In most cases painting a room is a fairly simple task, even for the most inexperienced people. Depending on the size of the room, painting the whole room can take only a few hours, a full day, or even days on end. However there are some techniques and methods you must learn before beginning to paint which will greatly speed up the process. Furthermore, you will need to learn how to make the job as problem free as possible, and learn how to avoid any ‘painting disasters’.
To begin, let’s go through the tools and items you will need before you begin the paint job.
Essential Tools and Items For Painting
The most obvious tool you are going to need for a paint job, is a paint brush – of course. Paint brushes come in many different forms and sizes, but as in this case you are painting a room, a large paintbrush should do fine. Although having a smaller one for some of the corners and more precise parts of the wall would be beneficial.
The next most essential tool you will need is a paint roller. If you have never used or seen one of these before, it is a large roll with a handle which you dip into paint, and then roll across the wall back and forth. A paint roller makes painting one hundred times easier and quicker, and unless you want to spend ages painting the wall, you are going to need a paint roller. When you buy a paint roller you should also get a tray as well where you would pour some of the paint into.
The correct clothing is also very important. It goes without saying that you wouldn’t wear any of your best clothes while painting. Actually, you shouldn’t be wearing any normal types of clothing at all as the first layer. What you need is a full set of overalls that you could wear while painting. It’s almost impossible to complete any paint job without getting a whole lot of paint over yourself, no matter how careful you may believe yourself to be. Overalls are extremely cheap, and the chances are you, a relative, or a friend will already have a pair they can lend you anyway. In the worst case of scenario you should wear the worst, and cheapest clothes you own!
The last item you will need is the cheapest, and easiest to find – scrap paper, tissues, or newspapers. Before beginning to paint you will need to make sure that you cover the floor, especially the edges with scrap paper. It’s very likely that you are going to spill and drip paint on the floor, and the last thing you want to do is spill in on your floor. So have scrap paper on the floor, and at your floor will be protected at least a little.
Steps for a Perfect* Paint Job
Read over these steps before beginning the painting, as its very important that you understand each and every stage of painting a wall.
Stage 1 – laying out the correct tools and materials. Make sure that you lay all the scrap paper or covers you can across the floor, and make sure no area of the real floor can be seen where you will be painting. Next, pour the paint you will be using into the paint roller tray, and place it on the floor or work area where you will be painting. And of course, make sure you are wearing all the correct clothes.
Stage 2 – make sure wall is as smooth as possible, and grit free. Any tiny lumps, or any grit at all you can see on the wall you will be painting should be removed before any painting is done at all. The last thing you want to be doing is painting over physical dirt or grit on the walls, as then it will be there for good. I strongly suggest you give the wall a good sand before beginning the painting.
Stage 3 – Paint main surface of the wall with roller. Excluding the corners, or turning points in the room, you should paint the wall by rolling the paint roller in the paint tray, and then rolling the paint over all of the main surfaces of the room. This is the most time consuming part of the paint job, but it’s pretty simple and easy to do. Make sure you don’t go near the corners of the room using the paint roller.
Stage 4 – Paint the corners of the room. Now instead of using the paint roller, you are going to need to use a paint brush to paint the corners of the room. Using your brush, simply dip the brush into the paint and smoothly begin brushing over the corner and sides of the wall. Make sure you are very careful when approaching a skirting or floor. This is more difficult that using the paint roller, but it’s the only way possible to paint those corners of the room.
Stage 5 – Leave the paint to dry.. Depending on how thick you have painted the walls, it will generally take a few hours to dry. After you are complete the painting, leave the room and do something else for a few hours before returning.
Stage 6 – The cleanup. Only after the paint is completely dry, should you re-enter the room and begin to clean up your painting tools. Make sure you pour any remaining paint in the paint tray back into the bucket. Furthermore, make sure you clean the paint brush under a tap as soon as possible as you don’t want the bristles of the brush going rock solid. And lastly, collect all of the scrap paper or cover over the floor.
You have now successfully painted a room! (Hopefully to perfection… )
To conclude, what you have learned in this article is essential to making sure you paint a room to a good standard. Without knowing what you are doing, it can be very easy to make a complete mess off a paint job. So learning what you need to know before beginning I’d very important. If you followed the instructions I have explained here, then you are headed in the right direction. However becoming a good painter is a skill, you may be surprised to here, and the chances are you are always going to make mistakes on your first try, and learn from them.